Magic Bulb


It sounded like something out of a fairy tale—a waxed bulb that would produce a blooming amaryllis without watering or any other consideration except sunlight. So like Jack, trading his cow for some magic beans, I handed over $7.99 to Trader Joe’s in December for a magic bulb. I couldn’t resist! It had already poked a stalk end above the wax, but I set it on my studio table and watched and worried. Shouldn’t it have a drop or two of water? What happens to the roots? With no assistance from me it grew vigorously, and by mid-January it was budding. Now I have four stunning red amaryllis blossoms greeting me each morning. I did a bit of reading about this method of growing bulbs—the roots are removed and the flower takes its nourishment directly from the bulb, so its energy is used up and can’t be saved for next year. I guess I’d better make my wishes now, before the magic flowers fade.