Hanging Out


A Barred Owl has decided to hang out in our backyard red cedar. He comes in every morning around 6, and leaves on his evening rounds every afternoon as dusk is falling. He perches in the same place, a branch only about 10 feet off the ground. When we approach, he is usually snoozing, but he opens his eyes and looks down, hardly ruffling a feather. Then he shuts them again and proceeds with his nap. He’s certainly been patient with me and my camera lens. The only thing that seems to rattle him is the pack of crows that comes barking through the yard, stopping in the cedar to harass him. He’ll sometimes fly away, but then we’ll discover him back on his branch as we cross the yard. At first we were stunned by his calm presence, but its been more than a month since he arrived. Our grandsons met him at Christmas, and it was a delight to witness their wonder at being so close to this wild creature. They named him Snowflake, because he comes in winter. Every now and then Snowflake misses a day, but we figure he’s had a particularly filling meal (or he’s giving the crows something to think about). We will appreciate him as long as he is willing to put up with us.