

In the past, I would return from my travels with dozens of rolls of 120 mm film carefully annotated and stored in a light-tight bag in my carry on. Once home, I would unpack the rolls and line them up on my desk, type my brief notes into my computer, put everything back into the bag, and as soon as I could, drive it to the one facility I trusted to process my film. My memories of the trip, no matter how fabulous, would begin to recede as I returned to the immediate cares of daily life— restocking the refrigerator, catching up on sleep, sorting the mail, doing laundry, and taking care of family needs. By the time the processed transparencies were ready for pick up, I would be ensconced in “normal” life, and I would feel the anticipation of a child at rediscovering the photos. Viewing was a ritual. I would set aside a time, usually in the evening when the lightbox was most effective, and relish every row of images in their plastic sleeves. It was my way of processing the experience and beginning the selection that would lead to creative output. Now, as I return from LA, my hundreds of digital images from Nikon and iPhone have already been downloaded onto my laptop. Adobe Bridge makes it easy to review everything quickly and organize it efficiently. But I still preserve the ritual. I don’t study the images until I’m home and all my molecules have reassembled. Then I set aside a special time to do my own processing. I experienced so much family love and encountered so many unfamiliar landscapes in LA that it will take more than one evening to review it all!