When our son and his family stayed with us over the holidays, I would take our two grandsons down to breakfast (early!) to give their parents much-needed extra sleep. The one year old loves to eat, and he especially enjoys fresh berries. Watching him relish the tasty Christmas strawberries reminded me of this poem I wrote when his older brother was the same age. I was just getting ready to launch my blog then, and this poem (and my grandson) served as the inspiration for its title. Time to post it on the blog, too.
Like a child
with berry-stained chin,
I raise my empty bowl
and shout to have it filled.
stirs my hungry heart.
I rush to cram it full
of rich variety.
Let me taste,
listen, sense and see:
sweet-sour, warm-cool, light-dark,
ripe berries, everything,
& More.