The clouds parted—for one day only—but I took advantage of it to drive to Linden to meet friends and photograph among the vines. This has been the soggiest spring ever, and there have been few opportunities to leave the house except with an umbrella (definitely not with a camera). My garden is green but droopy, and the few delicate plants I put into my containers and beds during that brief April warm spell have now drowned. The ground is just too wet to work, so a day in the vineyard seemed like a good way to get fresh air and fresh perspective (a nice glass of wine helps, too). With my show up at Linden, I've had a good excuse to visit often, and this has allowed me to observe the growing season close up. The vines were still dormant until just a few weeks ago, but now they are fresh green and growing rapidly. In yesterday's sunlight the leaves glowed, forming straight lines of light that raced up and down the hillsides. Rain has made it impossible to mow between the rows, so wildflowers nestle at the base of the vines. Among the day's surprises were clumps of deep blue flax flowers (Linum lewisii). I had never seen this flower, and though I knew of flax from the uses of its seeds and fibers, I had no idea how beautiful it is. I'd love to plant it in my garden (one of those self-sowers I rely on). It's supposed to be undemanding and drought resistant, but if summer takes after spring, drought tolerance will not be necessary. Anything in my garden will have to bring its own sunshine!