Inspiration Location


An exhibit of my Transience and Radiant prints will be up at the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University until March 31, 2014. The Center has a separate entrance with a beautiful, light-filled atrium, and the walls are dedicated to showing art (the space also hosts wonderful daytime concerts).  Exhibits are part of the Arts & Humanities Program, which was started in 1990, and since 2001 has been directed by Nancy Morgan. She is a determined advocate for the role of creativity and self-expression in healthcare—both as an effective tool for coping with illness and as a support for caregivers—and she works tirelessly to provide patients with opportunities to connect with writers and artists. The atrium is an attractive location for art, but it's especially satisfying to show there because the work is visible to the hundreds of patients and caregivers who walk through every day. The airiness of the space is a welcome respite from hospital corridors, so it is a natural spot to pause and take a deep breath. And if my art can provide a moment of inspiration, contemplation, surprise, or just distraction to patients, their families, and the dedicated professionals who help them, then it is serving its purpose. I'm honored to have my work hanging there.